Chapter 15 : Marine Ecosystems

ocean_threat Dynamite illegal short-sighted; cyanide for aquarium/restaurant shorter life span than net-caught.
Enforce Marine Protected Areas, regulate trade, alternative jobs.
Harvesting: fish graze coral algae (both need light, smothered); trawling damage.
Inland pollution: algae blooms.
ch30: Great Pacific Garbage Patch gyres.
ocean_acid Carbonic acid -> bicarbonate; blood pH 7.4. Sulfur from coal.
pH MOLYMOD H2O. Logarithmic=raise base(10) to power/exponent. 7 moles=6.02×1023/l (kg).
ocean_carbon Carbonic acid -> bicarbonate in BLOOD. Ca carbonate LIMESTONE basic - acid rain; Thornton.
Hydrochloric acid test dolomite (Mg) fizz. Water Tower.
Experiment is with pteropod=sea butterfly (snails). Carbonate shells -> carbon capture.
Thornton Quarry: mining coral reefs for gravel along the Tri-state
hadal Tube worms? These are anemones. Below Abyssopelagic (pelagic=water column in open sea); Benthic=all aquatic
Hydrothermal vents: deep sea volcanoes
coral_reef KEYSTONE. Other threats: Pacific lionfish <- Florida grouper. BBC-Oceans Coral bleaching
estuary Everglades fresh sawgrass -> estuary mangroves
open_ocean BBC-BluePlanet/1.1_OceanWorld/#12:20 Cape Gannets dive on sardines
Marc Slattery: Aquarius Reef Base onlt undersea research base, Key Largo: coral reef.
Acid affect protein in giant sponge? Microhabitats of respiration -> CO2
Corals filter feed - purify water.