Chapter 27 : Nuclear Energy

atom PENCIL graphite: steel alloy: FE + C + AL.
decay U atomic #92, Thorium 90, Prot 91, Radium 88, Radon 86: neutron lose e (beta) -> proton.
U=92+146, Th=90+144, Pa=91+143, U=92+142, Th=90+136?
THIS U-238 most common, not very radioactive (Earth 4.5 BYO); can breed Pu-239. Po84,Bi83,Pb82 radium series.
radiation Alpha harmful if ingested.
uranium Weapons grade 90%: diffusion or centrifuge. Fuel rod assembly
fission control rods=graphite. Iodine-131 half-life 8 days.
reactor Water prevent overheating, slow down neutrons; shield radiation.
Cooling tower also for coal/gas turbines. Thermal pollution Clean Air Act. Nuclear Power Reactors (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
waste-hi HLWW also from weapons. 3 Mile Island PA 79, Chernobyl UK 86. Yucca Mountain Nevada
Another Fukushima Casualty - Japan's Fast Breeder Reactor Program NRC Questions Westinghouse Reactor Design (AP1000) Why spent fuel rods should matter to you: CNN Situation Room Nuke group Areva trims ambitions post-Fukushima
2011 Fukushima Daiichi power outage: steam pressure (boiling water reactor) opening vent -> radiation out!

Radioactive iodine. 36 out of 54 plants back in operation.