Errata in Houtman, Karr, Interlandi. "Environment: The Science behind the Stories", 4th Edition.
Chapter 1 Figure 1.5
does not explain why fossil fuels are called fossil fuels and are non-renewable.
Chapter 8 Figure 8.2
says a pair of deer mice producing 10 pups with no deaths has a growth rate of 5.
This should be 5000 since birth and death rates are defined as per 1000 individuals, not 1.
Figure 8.7
implies elk populations declined in the absence of wolves; the reverse is true.
Chapter 10 Figure 10.2
says plants and animals make up 49% of known species, but their total of 372 thousand species of the 1.8 million
is only about 20%.
Figure 10.4
Choroquine is misspelled, should be Chloroquine; this is not derived from Madagascar Periwinkle.
Also Cobroxin is mispelled as Corboxine.
Chapter 15 Figure 15.4
seems to show light in the lightless hadal zone, with plenty of fish.
Figure 15.5
omits a key concept: the zooxanthallae are photosynthetic.
Chapter 24 Figure 24.1
says fossil fuels are from marine organisms, omitting terrestrial plants that formed coal and methane.
Figure 24.3
says the Middle East has the larges gas reserve, while the text on the same page says Russia does.
Chapter 26 Figure 26.6
for axial precession says when the Earth is tilted toward Vega,
it is also tilted toward the Sun during summer in the Northern Hemisphere, making "summers hotter".
Axial precession does not make hotter summers, but shifts summer dates throughout the calendar year.
Chapter 27 Figure 27.1
"protons and neutrons gives an element its mass number" should read
"protons and neutrons gives an atom its mass number" (an element may have isotopes with different mass numbers).
Page 497
photo caption says "smoke rising from a cooling tower". This is steam from a nuclear reactor, not smoke, and really misleading.
Chapter 28 Figure 28.4
says these roof panels are photovoltaic panels; they look like solar thermal collectors.
Chapter 30 Figure 30.6
The composting facility in Tennessee is called Sevierville, not Sevier.
Chapter 32 Figure 32.2
shows Shanghai's carbon footprint to be 8.1, and China's to be 3.4,
therefore the China circle should be smaller than Shanghai's.
Other errata: the story abstracts for instructors seem outdated:
Chapter 1 describes a "fire on the Cayuga River in 1969".
This should be "Cuyahoga River", which is discussed in chapter 18 (year 1952?), not chapter 1.