Water Budget Calculator
Crapshoot: The Gamble with Our Wastes: where does wastewater go?
Clean=drinkable? - China? Mohave, Gobi, Sahara.
Resource mgmt: population; ECONOMIC dev! Footprint.
INFILTRATION discuss later; perspiration, URINATION: fish pee;
Agriculture? Alberta oil sands: inject steam(hydraulic frack shale oil/gas)?Lifestyle CHOICES!
Water to grow coffee elsewhere?
Water Footprint Calculator (National Geographic)
Water footprint and virtual water
Agriculture: CROPS & MEAT; virtual water
Few baths? Use gray water.
Naperville cost:
$40/400 CF=10 cents CF(7.5 gal)=1 cent/gal (low-flush=1.6 gal/3.5 gal. Pressure-assist 1 gal.)
Groundwater Replenishment System(Orange County) filter, reverse, UV+H2O2, infiltrate Anaheim aquifer
Porous=sedimentary sandstone; fractured igneous and metamorphic gravel? Clay impermeable.
Swales slope to a destination (ditch), may end with a rain garden (planted depression).
Cannot drink saltwater (Orange County) - osmosis, pump wastewater back in.
Rain Garden: City of Elk Grove, California
Groundwater and soil types
Otter Creek mitigation: reduce runoff & flooding, recharge aquifers, filter pollutants; shorebirds, waterfowl
MUCK lo O high organic. Beaver dam->swamp. Volo rain-fed; fen alkaline.
Shivaji Deshmukh Orange County Water District (Anaheim): Groundeater Replenishment System.
Waste water -> drinking water: reverse osmosis + UV. Jack Skinner doctor consulted (pipes carried wastewater to ocean).
Arcata biomimicry: marsh -> Humbolt Bay. Water always CYCLES: toilet to tap!