Chapter 32 Self Quiz: Urbanization and Sustainable Communities

  1. Urban flight refers to
    1. birds migrating over cities (wrong)
    2. wealthier individuals moving to suburbs (correct)
    3. mass commuting for cities (wrong)
    4. small municipal airports (wrong)
    5. bungee jumping over skyscrapers (wrong)
  2. Designing neighborhoods on a walkable scale that places residential and commercial areas close together is called
    1. new urbanism (correct)
    2. suburban sprawl (wrong)
    3. exburb renewal (wrong)
    4. concrete mixer (wrong)
    5. planned laissez faire (wrong)
  3. The LEED program seeks to certify
    1. green buildings (correct)
    2. greenbelts (wrong)
    3. efficient transit (wrong)
    4. multi-use zoning (wrong)
    5. suburb (wrong)
  4. Corridors of connected parklands in urban areas are called
    1. greenstrips (wrong)
    2. greenbelts (correct)
    3. blackbelts (wrong)
    4. contrails (wrong)
    5. travails (wrong)